“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes”
-Marcel Proust, Novelist
Coaching processes are designed to enable the change needed for individuals to achieve their desired outcomes. The individual goes through a transition within the coaching process by gaining experience in a cycle of Acting-Thinking-Learning. Since the process towards that change varies depending on the individual and their goals, a personalized coaching plan might last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. With the regular interim meetings, we will evaluate the process together and revise the coaching plan if necessary. Between the sessions, I can provide you with additional resources such as relevant articles, podcasts, and videos that can broaden your perspective and support your thoughts and actions. You can contact me anytime between sessions for questions that will support your continuous learning and growth.
The first coaching session should be held face-to-face and the subsequent sessions can be either face-to-face or online. The first coaching session lasts for around 1.5 hours and the subsequent sessions typically last for one hour.
You can find detailed information about the process for each coaching program below.
My responsibilities as a coach:
Always working with a high level of professionalism to support the coachee to improve their life.
Encouraging the coachee to find their own answers and produce their own solutions & strategies.
Setting and managing the coaching sessions in a manner that will bring the highest benefit to the coachee.
Being unconditionally constructive.
Being brave and explicit.
To get the best results;
Be an active participant,
Be open and honest in your answers,
Be willing to explore the unknown,
Carry out the action plan that you’ve committed to in the previous sessions,
Spare some time to think about the coaching conversation after each session and just before the next session.
I comply with the International Coach Federation ICF Ethics and Standards Guidelines (www.CoachFederation.org ). The coaching sessions are completely confidential. All the information obtained during the sessions about you and your company shall be kept confidential. Even if your company is sponsoring the coaching sessions, the content and the basis of them shall not be shared with anyone.
Leadership is a resource for the team not a source of privilege for the leader.
- Robert Hogan, Psychologist, Founder of Hogan Assessment Systems
Executive Coaching Process
The executive coaching process typically includes the following steps:
Opening session: The primary purpose of this meeting is to organize our collaboration based on your expectations and needs from coaching and to increase your self-awareness through the discovery of your values. This session, also called the discovery meeting, will take approximately 1.5 hours. We can also take advantage of certain personality tests for you to discover your unique characteristics and leadership skills.
Main Sessions: In these sessions, we will focus on achieving your coaching objective. This also involves the difficulties that you might be currently facing. At first, you’ll share your experience regarding the action plan we have decided on in our previous meeting, and then we’ll focus on what’s on top of your agenda.
Review Meetings: We periodically review your progress and determine where you are concerning your objective. If you have met your objective, we will either end the coaching or continue with a new objective you will define.
Closing meeting: In the last meeting, you will evaluate the benefits of the coaching to you and the impact of your results on you and your life. We will discuss where you are in achieving your objective and how you will continue your learning and development.
If this coaching process is sponsored by your company, relevant persons from your company (e.g. your manager, your sponsor, or HR manager) may also attend the closing and review meetings.
Leadership Program Process
The Leadership Programs typically consist of the following steps:
Analysis: At this stage, information about the organization, the corporate culture, and the leadership principles are obtained. The objective of the program is determined in a meeting with the HR manager, the sponsor, and the senior managers. The evaluation reports such as 360 degree feedback, Leadership Maturity Framework (LMF), and Leadership Circle Profile, if any, are reviewed. Then, one-on-one interviews are made with the managers who will participate in the program, and their expectations are taken.
Preliminary Meeting: The purpose of the program is clarified with the management. Then, the program is customized in line with the information collected during the analysis phase and the agreed purpose. Afterwards, the program is introduced to the participants at an opening meeting.
Group Coaching Meetings: The program is carried out as group coaching activities in which various coaching models and techniques are applied. The first group coaching meeting takes 3 hours, the others take 1.5 hours. It is held weekly or bi-weekly. Participants digest and utilize what they have learned in the group coaching sessions by practicing between two sessions.
Reinforcement Talks: Reinforcement talks last 1.5 hours. The participants share their practical experience of the relevant leadership skill discussed in the previous group coaching meeting. Participants express the difficulties they had then there is a discussion on overcoming the mentioned difficulties.
Review Meetings: At the end of each section of the program, we review progress and assess the extent to which participants' expectations have been met. The managers of the participants, the sponsor, and the HR manager also attend these meetings and share their observations and comments.
Closing Meeting: In this final meeting, the program is evaluated in terms of achieving its overall objective and its effects on the organization. The progress that the participants made in their leadership development are acknowledged. Finally, the paths that the participants can follow in their leadership development are discussed.
“Not I—not anyone else—can travel that road for you; you must learn to travel it for yourself.”
- Walt Whitman, Poet
Career Coaching Process
The career coaching process typically consists of 6 to 10 coaching sessions and includes the following steps.
Discovery of your potential: I will coach you towards discovering your inner tendencies and potential. For this, we can also take advantage of certain personality tests.
Creating options: We will brainstorm to reveal possible job options which would enable you to realize your potential.
Decision-making: I will coach you towards evaluating your job options that emerged in our previous sessions and making a choice.
Career Path Planning: In this coaching session, you will design the most appropriate path to your career goal and plan your actions.
Taking Action: I coach you towards enabling you to take action for creating the career you want by overcoming obstacles.
Closing: In our last session, we will talk about the skills you have acquired during the coaching process regarding career management and discuss how you can review your career goals & plans and change them if necessary, in the future.